

Welcome to my page :3

This is my first web page! As well as my first time in neocities.

When I started, I thought 'this is really cool!'

So here I am

Hopefully it goes well

and I get my site up

Also, disclaimer, I don't really meassure out ingredients when cooking as I don't have meassuring tools.

To start with, here's a little something I like to make when I have the time and energy!

!!Lucky's Scrambled Meat and Rice!!

  • Some type of ground meat (I used ground turkey last night but I've also done this with ground pork and beef)
  • Seasonings (I usually use garlic powder, cumin, chili or whatever else is left in my cabinet)
  • A flavor! Like soy sauce or some jam, balsamic vinegar or honey.
  • Salt and pepper
  • A pinch of flour
  • Onions (Green, white, or shallot is up to you!)
  • Cooking Oil (Olive oil is preffered but any regular is fine as is sesamy oil)
  • Rice
  • A cup of water to ration out between dishes
  • Optionally: an appetizer!
  • Here's what you do now:

    Next up is the sauce!

    Time for the meat!


    Oh yeah and here's my guestbook!